Clan Conley

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Putting out....this time it's just on paper.

Monday, September 29, 2008

In Bruges

What words can I find to describe our afternoon in this historic city....hmmmmmmmmmm! Almost unbelievable. A painters paradise. Perfectly quaint. The girls were great...which is always a plus! The thing is, when the weather is nice you drop what you're doing and go....but first you hang the laundry out on the line! We follow the lead of the locals and run utilities after 10 pm (because it's half off) and hang dry as much laundry as possible. So when the sun comes out, hang the clothes and hit the road!

We had a short hour drive to Bruges where we strolled the city streets taking in all the history, enjoying the sounds of horse drawn buggy's on the cobblestone, the smells of the cafe's and of course soaking up the sun! It was GREAT! I can't get over how close it was to our house. What a fantastic experience for our family. We are so blessed! Life is good. This is really one of those times when you tell people...wish you were here!! So pack your bags family and friends and come break off a piece of heaven!

We jumped on a boat with the kids and toured the canal. The driver was witty but didn't have too much info on the city...other than knowing where the oldest pub was. That was good enough info for us anyway! It was a lovely day trip!
The girls loved the boat...but the big hit was the juggler, who was an American, go figure! He made the girls a couple of crazy balloons...the balloons and the boat ride will be their memories of Bruges! We had a lobster sandwhich, a crab sandwhich, a ham and cheese and 3 cokes for 16 Euro...not bad I was such a deal I ordered a few shrimp...suddenly it wasn't such a deal...34 Euro...oops! Oh well. The shrimp were really good at least. Off to bed now....enjoy the pic's! xoxoxo